
Dental Implants

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Implants

Over 170 million Americans have something in common: they all have at least one missing tooth. That's a staggering number, but it's also an opportunity to transform lives with dental implants.

At Franklin Family Dental, we use these permanent restorations to complete your smile and prevent oral problems related to tooth loss.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible titanium. They have two main parts: the implant, which goes into your jawbone like an anchor, and the prosthetic crown that sits on top. This new tooth looks and works just like a real one, giving you a complete and natural smile.

The placement procedure is straightforward:

  • We'll assess your oral health and discuss your needs and expectations.
  • A dentist will perform surgery to position the titanium implant into your jawbone beneath the gum line.
  • You'll allow time for your implant to fuse with your natural bone, creating a strong, secure bond.
  • Once the implant is fully integrated, we'll attach a custom-made crown, bridge, or denture, restoring your smile to its full potential.
happy parents with their kids after getting dental implants Franklin, TN

Which Issues Can Dental Implants Fix?

Dental implants can address a wide range of dental problems, such as:

  • Missing teeth
  • Severely damaged or decayed teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or speaking
  • Unstable dentures
  • Jawbone deterioration

Are Dental Implants Permanent?

Yes, dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution! Their secret lies in their robust titanium structure, which is highly resilient and doesn't decay. By giving them the care that they deserve and keeping up with routine dental check-ups, you will enjoy the benefits of your dental implants for a lifetime.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants can benefit many patients, but not everyone is an ideal candidate. You may be a suitable candidate if you:

  • Have good oral health
  • Have sufficient bone density in your jaw
  • Don't smoke or are willing to quit
  • Are committed to excellent oral hygiene

Ready to Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Implants in Franklin?

Don't wait to experience the life-changing benefits of dental implants. At Franklin Family Dental, provide the highest quality of care and can restore your beautiful smile. Contact us today for an appointment!

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